A Variety Of Natural Flu Remedies That Are Easy To Obtain

A Variety Of Natural Flu Remedies That Are Easy To Obtain - Flu makes your activity disturbed, hard breathing, itchy throat, itchy nose and watery eyes. Flu is a disease that is not a danger but if left untreated it will have a serious impact. The good news there are many choices of natural flu remedies that are easy to get, are you curious? This is the explanation.


A Variety Of Natural Flu Remedies That Are Easy To Obtain

1. Warm White Water

Drinking lots of warm water is a natural flu remedy that doctors recommended. Try drinking a glass of warm white water every night before bedtime and in the morning after waking up. Warm water can help to dilute the mucus in the nose and prevent dehydration.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a natural flu remedy because it contains nutrients and antioxidants. Many studies have shown that garlic has an antiviral effect that can prevent flu and accelerate healing of the disease. Alllicin oil on garlic is able to prevent the flu. Eating raw garlic is the best way to prevent the flu, but if you don't like it, you can mix it on food.

3. Honey

Honey is also a natural flu remedy since thousands of years. Natural antimicrobial in honey can resist diseases including bacteria and flu viruses. You can mix 2 spoons on a glass of warm white water and drink every morning and night. There is one important thing, honey should not be given to children or babies aged less 1 year because it can cause botulism infection.

4. Green Tea

Thousands of years ago Chinese people used green tea as a medicinal disease including flu. The good news of modern medical research supports this theory. The conclusion of the study states that green tea contains antioxidants that can boost the immune system. Tea drinkers have a good immune system so that their body cells work optimally.

5. Ginger

Benefits of ginger for health no doubt. As a natural flu remedy, ginger helps to relaxes the respiratory tract muscles and enhances the immune system. Ginger can relieve nausea and can warm the body. You can cultivate ginger into a drink, the trick is to destroy ginger and boil until boiling and strain water to drink.

6. Meat Without Fat

Zinc is essential for enhancing the immune system. One way is the consumption meat without fat. Lean meats also contain minerals that serve to prevent infection. Eat a piece of lean meat when you start the flu to fight off germs.

7. Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is also a list of natural flu medicines that you can try at home. Medical research reveals that chicken soup can relieve the inflammation that causes flu symptoms. Chicken soup can relieve the throat and nasal passages so that you can breathe relief. To avoid getting bored, add nutrients and carbohydrates to the soup to help increase energy.

This is information about A Variety Of Natural Flu Remedies and I hope this information is useful for you all. Always visit Oops Healthy to get more update information about health. thanks for your attention.

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